Poor insulation:
U-value 1.3 [W/m².K]
Heating oil consumption/heating period: 3900 liters
Good insulation with 15 cm flapor:
U-value 0.3 [W/m².K]
Heating oil consumption/heating period: 900 liters
After 30 years, the energy used to produce 45 m³ of flapor amounting to 2,088 liters of heating oil contrasts favorably with a huge energy saving of 90,000 liters of heating oil (3,000 L x 30 years).
In addition, you should bear in mind that the primary energy content of 1,170 liters can be reused for example through recycling or thermal recovery (burning).
Hängt von den Anforderungen ab: Isolierend mit Transportschutz, Mehrweg mit einfachem Handling, hoher Transportschutz und doch leicht und natürlich auch die Optik. Geht alles, fragen Sie uns einfach.