flapor and flaporplus insulation boards

Thermal insulation from Flatz.​

You always feel at home behind perfectly insulated walls. Whether conditions are cold, hot or noisy, flapor from Flatz is the ideal insulation material for use in construction and any home.

Made from EPS, flapor insulation boards do not release any harmful substances. The environment remains clean and the insulating effect is 100% guaranteed for the full lifespan of the building. Our products are listed on the “öbox” of the Vorarlberg Energy Institute and meet the eco-friendly requirements to qualify for an “Ecological housing” subsidy. And your home? Stay cozy.

Outstanding thermal insulation properties with a long-term guarantee

  • Outstanding long-term insulation because of resistance to moisture
  • Breathable
  • Resistant to aging
  • Food-safe
  • Outstanding life cycle assessment
  • CFC-free
  • Best value for money
  • Easy to process
  • 100% material recyclability
  • All flapor and flaporplus insulation boards are produced HBCD-free

Quality mark Tested EPS

The external monitoring which is no longer required under ÖNORM EN 13163 is in turn a mandatory requirement for the quality mark “100% ÖKU GPH-TESTED”. This means that the vital quality assurance provided by external monitoring is again guaranteed with our products.

What you didn’t know about EPS/Styropor.

With its many years of experience and machine technology to match, Flatz has managed to develop a fully recycled insulation board. This means that EPS once again stands out thanks to its positive, eco-friendly characteristics. All waste cuttings can now be perfectly reused. This is because EPS is the only insulation material available on the market which can be materially recycled up to ten times, whereas all other insulation materials have to be disposed of at great cost and then end up in landfill as hazardous waste. A complete material cycle for the EPS industry is already reality today.

If you would like more information about protection of the environment and recycling, please click here.

Your contact persons for thermal insulation boards made in Vorarlberg

Jürgen Mikschl

Head of insulation board sales

Benjamin Limberger

Internal and field sales

Eren Met

Order processing and production planning

T +43 5574 83 290 426
F +43 5574 83 290 325

David Bechter

Order processing, production planning and insulation board order processing

Rainer Müller

Order processing and production planning

Environmental protection & recycling​

Thermal insulation makes sense both economically and ecologically. Ultimately, the energy saving that is produced also benefits the environment.


The versatile properties of flapor EPS insulation boards allow optimum applications in all key areas:


Expanded polystyrene– a material that almost everyone is familiar with. But how exactly is it produced?

Structural physics​

After 30 years, the energy used amounting to 2,088 liters of heating oil contrasts favorably with a huge energy saving of 90,000 liters of heating oil.

We look forward to finding the technical solution that is the perfect fit for your needs.

Hängt von den Anforderungen ab: Isolierend mit Transportschutz, Mehrweg mit einfachem Handling, hoher Transportschutz und doch leicht und natürlich auch die Optik. Geht alles, fragen Sie uns einfach.

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