We are experts in cardboard and corrugated board packaging of products – whether large or small, solid or fragile, for many or a selected target group.
Flatz uses state-of-the-art CAD technology to design innovative corrugated cardboard packaging in large or small quantities and wrap your valuable products in our cardboard packaging for safe and cost-optimised transport all over the world.
Customised, high-quality printed or laminated, sturdy and strong-selling. Just as your goods deserve. On request, we can also take care of the logistics for you, design suitable moulded pulp elements for transport protection or even composite packaging.
T +43 5574 83 290 0
F +43 5574 83 290 205
Hängt von den Anforderungen ab: Isolierend mit Transportschutz, Mehrweg mit einfachem Handling, hoher Transportschutz und doch leicht und natürlich auch die Optik. Geht alles, fragen Sie uns einfach.